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Which book do you want to read first?

I am writing two books now. Bloody Puzzle, Bloody series book 2; and Crowley’s Cult, a completely unrelated story. Both books will still be released this year, but I’ll let you choose which one you want to read first.

Email me telling your choice. And if you want, let me know why you have chosen one instead of the other. I will really love to hear from you.

Here are the books blurbs:

Bloody Puzzle. Daniel is back with a new theme and much more vicious and unmerciful murders. And believe me when I say, he couldn’t be more ominous this time.

Crowley’s Cult. To escape from a stalker, a famous plastic artist moves with his fiancé to a centennial building where strange facts begin to happen. Violent deaths, bizarre

rituals and satanic orgies lead the couple to unravel the terrifying mystery the place conceals.

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