“Rosemary’s Baby meets The Sentinel … but much more erotic.”
See how easy it is to win one of the 25 audiobooks I’m giving away. You know how important reviews are to us indie authors, so all you have to do is review any of my three books (BLOODY LEGENDS, BLOODY PUZZLE, or CROWLEY’S CULT) on Amazon USA, and email me either a link to your review, or info about your review so I can find it (title, your name, date) - and you’re in!
And there’s more, my devoted reader. For every review you write, I’ll send you any one of my e-books for free. If you already have all three books, you’ll get my next e-book release.
Those of you who’ve already reviewed any of my three books in the past can also get any one of my e-books for free. And to further show my appreciation, if you’ve already reviewed all of my three books by September 30, 2021, just send me the three links to the reviews and you’ll automatically win a free CROWLEY’S CULT audiobook.
This promotion is valid until October 31, 2021.
Note: You can post your reviews wherever you like, but for your review to be valid for this promotion, the review must be posted on Amazon USA, and you must send me the review link or your review info and indicate which book you want to win.
And if you subscribe to my list, you can listen to a preview of the CROWLEY’S CULT audiobook. Click here to sign up now.